Das sind meine Lieblingsschuhe. Ich habe mir vor Jahren ein Paar gekauft, aber sie passten nicht an meine Wade. Ich habe sie meiner Mutter geschenkt, und sie war absolut begeistert davon. Ich habe vor Kurzem abgenommen und mir ein neues Paar gekauft, und sie passen perfekt.
These are my favorite shoes. I bought a pair years ago and they did not fit my calf. I gave them to my mom and she absolutely adored them. I lost weight recently and bought myself a new pair and they fit perfectly.
These are my favorite shoes. I bought a pair years ago and they did not fit my calf. I gave them to my mom and she absolutely adored them. I lost weight recently and bought myself a new pair and they fit perfectly.
These are my favorite shoes. I bought a pair years ago and they did not fit my calf. I gave them to my mom and she absolutely adored them. I lost weight recently and bought myself a new pair and they fit perfectly.
Kundenkommentare: Kniehohe Damenstiefel klassische spitze Zehenpartie Stiletto schmaler Absatz Nieten Schnalle Vintage-Stiefel