Overall I adore this dress! The shipping was very quick, the dress is made from very high quality, and the sizes are accurate! So please don't think you should order a size up or down than you normally wear. I will have to make some corrections to this dress because I did order a size up thinking it might fit differently than a standard US dress...it does not so I'll have to take it in and also the torso of the dress is too long for my proportions so I'll need to shorten that. If you're a petite girl like me (4 foot 9) you might not want to buy this, or you'll have to pin it up. Milanno is a great company and I plan on buying more dresses!!! :]
The big bow on the back was shaded by the logo but actually it looks great! I just received it and now I am wearing it. Perfect fitting! The lace straps plus more beauty of it!
Commenti dei clienti: Nero Lolita Vestito con Spalline di Cotone con Pizzo Lacci Posteriori e Cintura sulla Vita