¿Puedo verificar su respuesta si completo una dirección de correo electrónico incorrecta o no puedo usarla?

We will keep all mailings, so even if you don't use your email, you can also check our reply information. Please log in to your Milanoo account and view the records in your account.

Mantendremos todos los correos, por lo que incluso si no usa su correo electrónico, también puede consultar nuestra información de respuesta. Inicie sesión en su cuenta de Milanoo y vea los registros en su cuenta.


Can I still check your reply if I fill out an incorrect email address or I can't use it (PC).png


Can I still check your reply if I fill out an incorrect email address or I can't use it (WAP1).pngCan I still check your reply if I fill out an incorrect email address or I can't use it (WAP2).pngCan I still check your reply if I fill out an incorrect email address or I can't use it (wap3).png


Can I still check your reply if I fill out an incorrect email address or I can't use it (APP1).pngCan I still check your reply if I fill out an incorrect email address or I can't use it (APP2).pngCan I still check your reply if I fill out an incorrect email address or I can't use it (APP3).png
